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Organic Gardening And You - Lets Get Started!

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Posted on: 07/05/22
Organic Gardening And You - Lets Get Started!

Many of us would love to have a garden to tend to and to look at, but our lives are simply too busy. Growing a garden can give you a great sense of pride, not to mention that it can save you money and help you to get healthy. Find out in this article how to quickly grow an organic garden that youll be proud of.

Use your coffee grinds in your garden if you are an organic gardener and coffee lover! You can use coffee grounds to make a perfect mulch with just the right amount of acids. It is a wonderful way to compost in a environmentally friendly way.

Water your organic garden with storm water runoffs and collected rainwater. Rainwater is more pure and better for plants than home tap water, because it wont contain chemicals such as chlorine or fluoride. Using rainwater also helps in reducing your overall water usage. Rainwater can even be stored in barrels or cisterns to be used during dry spells.

A great way to deal with weeds in a safe and nontoxic way, is to use a spray bottle of diluted dish soap to treat areas with overgrowth in your garden. Use a ratio of one tablespoon of mild dish soap per 16 ounces of water. Spray the weeds once a day and with in a week they should shrivel up and be easier to pull out.

Start your organic garden with a good strategic plan. This helps you know exactly where each plant will go in your garden so that you can maximize the few hours you have to garden each day. As part of your plan, take notes on what plants you will use to replace short-lived crops such as spinach and lettuce.

Create soil for your organic garden by composting. Composting is a wonderful way to re-use some items that you would normally throw away as garbage. It also provides for rich and fertile soil, without the use of chemicals and pesticides. Compost bins are available in many sizes to fit your specific needs.

Water your plants during the morning to avoid having fungal growth that generally prefers moisture and darkness. By watering your plants during the day they are best able to take advantage of the sun, and utilize the suns anti-bacterial effects. Some bacteria or fungi are light sensitive, so by watering during the day you benefit the plant by reducing the growth potential of its competitors.


Composting for organic gardening reduces the need for fertilizers, is a form of herbicide, can help prevent plant diseases and helps impact the environment in positive ways. Composting is a source of nutrition for insects, helps with soil erosion and reduces waste sent to landfills. It is wonderful for the health of the environment in general.

When first growing a plant you should make sure that it has all the nutrition and water that it needs. The sprouting stage for most plants is the time when it is most vulnerable to drying out or dying. With proper care, a sprout will mature into a full adult plant which is much more resistant to environmental and animal threats.

When first growing a plant you should make sure that it has all the nutrition and water that it needs. The sprouting stage for most plants is the time when it is most vulnerable to drying out or dying. With proper care, a sprout will mature into a full adult plant which is much more resistant to environmental and animal threats.

Not to mislead you in the opening, but "quickly"?doesnt mean you will get a harvest in a matter of days. Quickly here means that you will be able to learn about how to grow a proper garden in a timely fashion. Studying these tips and using them for your organic garden will definitely increase your odds of success.

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